Gray Creek Regatta 2024
August 12, 2024
Come to the Gray Creek Regatta held at The Lakeview on the east shore of Kootenay Lake on Saturday August 31st and Sunday September 1st.
The first Gray Creek Regatta was held in the summer of 1922 and in 1923 a distinctive trophy, the Gray Creek Challenge Shield, consisting of deer antlers mounted on a wooden shield, was created by local resident George Oliver, with yearly winners getting their name engraved on a silver plaque mounted on the shield. The original regatta ran until 1925 and then went into hiatus until 1974 when it was resurrected and has run continuously since, benefiting from the generally reliable thermal winds in Crawford Bay.
We invite you to dust off your boat, uncoil those lines, hoist those sails, and come join the Kootenay Lake Sailing Association on the east shore of Kootenay Lake for some good fun, a Saturday night BBQ, and of course some sailing, at the historic Gray Creek Regatta.
For more information please contact:

Notice of Race
The Gray Creek Regatta will be held August 31 and September 1, 2024 at the Lakeview Marina, 14729 Hwy3A Gray Creek.
The current version of the Racing Rules of Sailing and BC Sailing Phrf rules will apply. Modifications of these rules will be announced at the initial skippers meeting.
Fleets will be formed of 3 or more boats based on PHRF ratings for keelboats. Dinghy and multihull fleets will be added if 3 or more register to race.
The skippers meeting will be at the Race Committee HQ, campsite 19, at 10:30 hrs August 31. Races begin at 1100 hrs on the 31st 1030 hrs on the 1st. No signals to start a race will be made after 1600 hrs on Sept 3 and after 1530 hrs on Sept 4 th.
Entry fee of $150 must be E-transferred to kootenaylakesailing by August 30 at 1800 hrs along with:
- Vessel and owners name
- Make/model & sail# of boat
- BC Sailing PHRF rating of boat (A rating will be assigned if your boat does not have a BC PHRF rating for its current sail plan)
Prizes will be given for 1st and 2nd place in each fleet.
Organizing Authority is the Kootenay Lake Sailing Association
Date 2ND & 3RD SEPTEMBER 2023
Skippers must sign the KLSA insurance waiver of liability to enter this event. These will be provided at the skippers meeting. The onus is on the skipper to ensure the race committee receives and initials the signed document.
Rules: Current Racing Rules of Sailing ,PHRF BC and prescriptions of Sail Canada.These may be modified at the skippers meeting by the KLSA Race Committee.
Changes to Sailing Instructions: Will be addressed at skippers meeting at 0930 hrs, SEPT 3 on the timers pier at Lakeview Marina
Communications: The race committee (RC) will communicate on channel 69 vhf. 4 spare radios will be available from the race committee
Schedule of Races: The first race is scheduled to start at 1100 hrs on August 31 and no signals to start a race will be made after 1600 hrs
On Sept 1st the races will begin at 10AM with no signals to start a race to be made after 3PM
Courses: The courses to be sailed will be displayed from the timers position on shore at the east end of the Start-Finish line ( 2 orange marks west of the timers position)
Course marks are numbered 1 to 4, #1 being south of the startéfinish line, marks 2,3 and #4 (an orange fisheries buoy) being consecutively north in Crawford Bay
All starts are upwind. All mark roundings are to port (keep the mark on your left as you round it)
The start-finish line is an obstruction and cannot be crossed on courses where mark# 1 is included.
Penalties and Protests: Penalty turns for all infractions will be 360 degree (one jibe and one tack). Protests must be made within 30 minutes of the final race of the day ending.
A skipper lodging a protest must provide the Protest Committee with a pint of rum which same will consume if the protest is not upheld (or even if it is)
Time Limits: Boats failing to finish within 30 minutes of the first boat to finish a race will be scored DNF
Scoring: Low point scoring system in appendix A of RRS is used.1 throw out score is calculated at races 6 and 7, 2 throw out scores are calculated at 8 or more races.
Disclaimer of Liability and Risk Statement:
Racing Rules of Sailing Part 1, fundamental rule #3 places all responsibility for loss, damage, injury and death on the competitors and clearly explains potential risks and that sailing can be a dangerous sport. By participating in this regatta you are agreeing to this rule and agree that the Kootenay Lake Sailing Association and its directors will not accept any liability for material damage, personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with, prior to or during or after the regatta
All participating boats must carry a minimum of $1 million liability insurance and carry proof of same.
Make sure the boat you sail on has liability insurance.
A potluck Apertivo (wine cheese bread olives crackers salami – no cook minimal clean up) will be held at
Campsite 19 about 6 pm on Friday August 30.
A fun race for paddle/rowing craft will be held about 5 pm on Saturday August 31st. Details will be announced at the skippers meeting.
No entry fee or pre registration required.
A BBQ (smokies, burgers, salad) will be held about 6 pm on Saturday August 31. Details & cost coming soon!
A prize and awards gathering will be held after racing on Sept 1 at race HQ.
Contact Lakeview Marina and campground for accommodation and moorage information via